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Gary Horne making adjustments to his HO train.
John Henderson speaking to the crowd.
Such a fine voice has Liz Mobley.
That is John Hendricks at the dedication of the historical marker.
That's Tom Hill looking for the next clown.
A Florida Nonprofit 501(c)3 tax Exempt Organization

West Nassau Historical Society - West Nassau Museum of History

Located Inside the Historic Train Depot at 45383 Dixie Avenue, Callahan
Mail to P.O. Box 1758, Callahan, FL 32011  (904-879-3406)

Abner McGehee
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Rain, rain and more rain.
The second cup in our Railroad Days series of six coffee cups.
Harold, his crew and the fantastic American class steam engine.
Ray and Liz.
Go to it kid.
Notice that they are all adults.
Move that speaker out of the rain Hugh.
Well they're right. It starts at 11 am right on the dot.
That is William Maurer standing in front of one of his caboose paintings.
Donnie and Janice Sain taking a well deserved rest.
That's friends Lynne Johannes and Bill Maurer.
Ten-hut. Them Yankees are just down the road. We gotta be ready for um.
Dignataries ready for the tree dedication.
Mayor Shirley Graham gives a speech at the tree dedication that made us all proud.
This engine is the pride of Tom Hills fleet.
Liz Mobley just weeks after her surgeries.
All was ready in the museum.
..."She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes...."
The new archives.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the artifacts and memoribilia.
The Annex was the train layout, railroad gift concession and the CSX safely program area.
U.S.1 and the crowd is ready for the parade.
The pirate Shrimp Festival float takes takes 1st place nearly each year. A spectacular event that the kids and parents all enjoy.
Yep! It's a clown.
Harold and his staff saw a thousand folks come through the caboose. Great job Harold.
Amanda and the two winners of the photo contest.
The CSX Lifesaver program drew kids and grownups alike.
Past Railroad Days Photographs 
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2016 - 
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2017 -